On Saturday, October 20th YPM held the
‘Grand VICOBA Day’ to mark that specific International Day for Eradication of
Poverty which is usually celebrated on 17th October. The occasion
saw more than 350 delegates who were representatives of two to five members
coming from part of the YPM VICOBA groups for network building, exchange of
ideas and celebrating the success of those who have been committed to fighting
poverty and bringing new hope in life through forming groups in the past four
In marking the International Day for Eradication of
Poverty, the representatives managed to share their success stories and the
mile stones in their lives. The VICOBA has made their stories of eradicate
poverty a reality despite challenges facing them. It has given them confidence
to stand for what is justice and demand it where denied within families,
couples, villages and communities. Through economic stability they have tried
to live the words of
the UN General Secretary that “…ending poverty is not a matter of charity
but a question of justice." http://www.un.org/en/events/povertyday/
The official guest of honor was the District
Commissioner who was represented by Joyce Israel, the head of Development
department in the Lushoto District Council. She emphasized on the importance of
joining hands to see that our communities are set free from the oppression
caused by extreme poverty. She acknowledged and hailed the work of YPM in which
it has helped a good number of families to come a step away from despair. She was happy to see how a number of participants share
their hopes to be counted as new new rich from the ditch of poverty. She further congratulated the specific program
of VICOBA to have elaborately bring into life the 2018 theme
that says “Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive
world of universal respect for human rights and dignity”
On marking the day, there were special speeches
given by a number of organizations such as NSSF (National Social Security Fund),
NMB Bank, NHIF (National Health Insurance Fund) on their services and what they
can offer to the members. That was followed by a number of questions for
further understanding from the audience.
At the climax of the event YPM awarded the facilitators
who succeeded in establishing many groups as compared to others. These were the
runner up Mr. Vicent Dastan Paul who managed to organize more than 12 groups.
The first and thus record holder was Mr. Wilson Joseph Dereva who formed more
than fifty groups. They were awarded a medal and certificates of appreciation
to the magnificent work. All others who managed to form any number of groups
were also awarded a certificate of recognition of their work.