It was on May 13th 2017 when YPM under the
Advocacy and Environment Department started the debate competition that
involved eleven Secondary schools in Lushoto district. The competition has
brought up a number of so good talents, confident and focused youths. It will
come to the final stage on 08th/08/2017 in the competition to be
held at YPM grounds.
The debate though on Environment focus has been the
intentional plan to reach many youths and train and involve them in raising
their awareness on the right and responsibility through the subject to citizen
(S2C). During the debates, students were educated on civil right and responsibility
(S2C) this is ‘’subject to citizen.’’ S2C is based on the YMCA African
philosophy to bring self understanding and confidence to African Youths. This
works against the feeling of contentment of many youths to remain subjects to
their environment, community and general life. A subject is hereby known as the
person who doesn’t know his/her rights and responsibility and the opportunity
that surround him/her. But also do not know and if knows, then do not take
responsibility to contribute towards a better life for him and her community.
It is intended to bring all youths to understand their responsibility and
fulfill them before standing to demand for rights that they are not ready to
contribute into its making.
The final debate
competition will involve Lushoto Sec Vs Kwemaramba Sec.
We expected to bring together 100 students who participated
in the debate from the early stage together with their teachers. That will be
10 students in each school, environmental teachers, headmaster/mistress, Lushoto
District Commissioner, Members of parliament from Mlalo, Lushoto and Bumbuli
constituents and the Media.
During the debate competitions students got chance to know
each other, build confidence, learn to build arguments and learn more on the
environment as part of their preparations. The debate competition also led to
teachers training on public debate format (PDF) because the debate was
conducted through PDF style. This style is different from old style as it
requires more research on motion involved to come up with argument and evidence
also it judges on confidence of individual.
On finalizing this debate, all aforesaid points have shown
the success through shared knowledge and raised awareness on the environmental
issues to all participants alike.