Irente Primary school, which specializes in offering primary education in an inclusive setting. The school is located in the Irente village, about 3.5 km from Lushoto town. The school embraces children with different types of disabilities, ranging from those with eye defects including short sightedness and long sightedness problems, albinos, and others.  They have the privilege of receiving this education here, in the fact that it could be hard for them to get this education from their natural settings (home) due to various restrains surrounding them. Irente school has a favourable environment which provide a unique atmosphere for students to do their activities including learning.

on 28 march 2017 they had a chance to be visited with the young people from SEKOMU who do field at YOUTH PEACEMAKERS TANZANIA for six weeks, disciples of these had the opportunity to learn about the changes of climate and environmental protection through this knowledge we believe will be ambassadors  environment protection.

Together with headmistress madam Celina Magambo, and two students from SEKOMU and representative from YOUTH PEACE MAKERS TZ.