On 22nd to 26th June Youth Peace Makers
under it program of advocacy prepare the PETS (Public Expenditure Tracking
System) seminar. 35 youth was invited from 9 centers that are Mlalo, Shume,
Malibwi, Bumbuli, Msongolo, Korongwe, Handeni, Mkinga, and Mnazi. On this
seminar among other things they told meaning, advantages and the reason of
doing PETS in their areas and the big reason is because TAX is the main source
of national income which used in implementation of different project example,
to build infrastructure, hospital, schools e.t.c and as citizens their the one
who pay TAX so it there responsibility to make sure their money are not abused
and to make leaders to be accountable. Apart from PETS seminar participants
also learn about S2C, stop poverty, civics on new proposed constitution and