The meeting was attended by 37 stakeholders who are 9 woman and 28 males. Also the meeting was involved leaders in Lushoto District that is District commissioner, District executive officer, DAS, TEO, head teachers and head mistress from different schools includes those did not performed well and who performed well. All member meet to discuss why Lushoto have poor performance in 2014 on form four result the topic wasThe reason of bad academic result in 2014 in Lushoto District and what should be done?”.

On starting discussed this topic there two main speakers from Lushoto District was District Officer for secondary education Mr. Kassian Sengasu and the second speaker was Mr. Frowing Mgani from SEKOMU as one of the University who prepare teachers.
  The first speaker started from 8:20 to 8:45 he gives the short history of education in Tanzania that there two education system in Tanzania that of before independent and after independents and that of before independent was colonial education aimed at help colonizer to got peoples to work in their investments and the education after independent is divided in 7-4-2-3 that is standard one up to seven, form one to form four, five and six and university three years. After the independent Tanga was the first region in providing education.
He continue that now Lushoto has 60 secondary schools, 53 Government schools and 7 non-government schools and last year 2014, 51 schools there students sit for form four examination and 47 are government schools and 4 and non-government and results were no good.
He mentioned some of the reasons why the results were not good in 2014 as follows;
·         Increase of schools: in 1990 there only 5 schools that are Magamba secondary, Mazinde juu secondary, Shambarai, Kifungiro and Kongei. In 2000 schools increase to 10 schools and 2015 there 60 schools so this is the challenge as there are increase of schools but no teachers and other infrastructure like books,
·         Hard teaching condition there no teaching equipment although this year they success to have enough books for mathematics, science but also their schools from form one up to from four there no single science teacher.
·         No good co-operation between teachers and parent; Parents they don’t make the follow up to know the challenges of their children and to know how to solve them with cooperation with teachers.
·         Students are forced to go school they supposed to be taught the importance of education.
·         The level of depending on teacher decrease as the students goes to higher level example in primary school the students depend to the teachers 50%, in secondary it 40%, high schools 30% and university is only 10% and masters is 5%
·         Negative perception among the parent about secondary education. Parents are competing on how many children got business but not which students perform well in their studies. Also parents are not seen the important of their children go to secondary after they finish standard seven they think it enough this make last year the District Commissioner to inter into contract with them that every student who selected to inter secondary school much do so.
·         In Tanzania law the children must study the primary school but it silence to o-level education
He finishes his presentation by suggestion what should be done,
Youth should be educated the importance of education as education is the heritance of youth.
All stakeholders should cooperate and solve any problems arises as community
He ended up by saying that last year result, shame and unspeakable.
         The second speaker starts from 2:45am to 9:8am. He started by saying that in education must be the first and last school but what it matter is the average or the gap between the first and last school.
Also he continued that the system of change the education to be free education increase the number of children who join primary schools and also increase number of students who join secondary schools example in 2001 740’s students join form one but in 2009 it was 1400,000 students join form one this means that if the students increase the demand increase such as teachers, library, book, and other infrastructures. This lead to the force that teachers should be trained short course called crash program but also it did not solve the problem of lack of teachers in schools,
Question: what should be given priority, to start building schools or to train the teachers first? And if it libraries it must be known at what time it will be starts to be used

Also the target of people and the government is based on quantity and not quality that why it happen that form one student he don’t know how to study.
Another point is what is used to measure students i.e examination but this exam high number is multiple choice all subjects even mathematics so that should change.
  • Teacher teach the students how to pass exams and even the books used are question and answer this make students to cram but not to understand
  • Teaching language is also the problem as language in primary education is Swahili but in secondary is English so students are not prepared to use English in primary level.
  • Co-operation between government and teachers
Ø  Teachers are not motivated
Ø  Low salary
Ø  Delay to be given their rights
Ø  Delay to be promoted
Ø  They don’t have houses
This cause the high number of teachers to be absent during the class hours because at that time they are in their business this is according to UNESCO research.
·         Students discipline make them fail
His presentation ends at 9:08am and this leave room for all stakeholders to share and discuss in detail why Lushoto did not perform well.

On sharing with stakeholder they participate as follows;
·         On determine the reasons why Lushoto fail and according to the points mentioned by the speakers they are too general and we should ask our self how many government schools are within Tanga region and why Lushoto so he suggest instead of mention general reasons there should be monitoring and evaluation in those area so as to know or identify the specific reasons why Lushoto did not perform well in form four exam result. And also he suggests that something has to be done instead of wait the system to change because we can’t continue to be the last until the system change.
·         Science and technology also affects the students’ example use of telephone in schools.
·         Government only order the teachers to reach the target but they don’t solve the problem of teachers and students example students are sitting on the flow because of scarcity of chairs and teachers are not given their rights.
·         The government can support the students to get meals at school so as to be able to study because as to compare with non-government schools that perform well students they eat at school.
·         To build good connection between students, teacher and parent.
·         Another reason why there is bad result in Lushoto, one student contribute that due to geographical of Lushoto students are staying very far from the school and they travel long way to reach the school this make them to be late to school and found that the lesson has already started but also the way back home they tired and can’t have personal reading. He thinks that the solution to that problem is to build hostel to help those students who stay far from the school.
·         In order to solve the problem of teachers in schools those students who were competent in the school can be allowed to teach after finish school.
·         On contributing head teacher of Manolo secondary one among two last school in Tanzania she said that the conflict between head teacher and teachers, head teacher and the community in 2011 contribute to the failure of students because teacher spend a lot of time to discuss the conflict among them and not teaching although the head teacher was changed but to bring back the trust of teachers and community to the new head teacher.
·         Delay of caption fee from the government this caused delay in buying of different equipment’s like books.
·         Also there is threat from the government when the student get punishment for uses of phone in schools, suggestion that the law should be clear and those students who are caught using phone at school to be send home.
·         Also the friendship and co-operation between government schools and non-government schools to have interaction so they can learn from each other and also attend parent meeting and contribute from the discussion.
·         In non-government schools example Mzinde juu the fees is not high but parent can contribute anything they have instead of paying money (they pay in kind) e.g carrot, cassava, onion e.t.c
·         Parent should measure the price of their children to pass and what could the price if the student fail.
·         Also to know as Lushoto District what is the priority example to build houses for the teachers
·         Ward education officers to form the cabinet to identify and solve the problems arise within their schools.
·         In choosing school board must consider people who are capable of acting effectively.
·         District executive officer  contribute that the problems are both for the teachers, students, parents and 33% teachers they attend in class and 67% they do not attend in class this is according to UNESCO
·         Also on solving the problem of scarcity of books teachers can prepare their notes so that they can be enough for student to read and pass.
·         Teacher should have vision to solve miner problems arise in school rather than wait for District to do it.
·         Also there will be increase of teachers, last year it was 200 teachers but this year will be 500 teachers and Lushoto District fight very hard to make sure that teachers are given their rights.
·         On contributing Lushoto District Commissioner insist that everyone should perform his or her responsibility that is the government, parents, teachers and students
·         Strategies and plane should be before negative thing happen and not after.
·         She also insists on monitoring and evaluations in schools.
This was the discussion on the breakfast meeting24th April 2015 on topic “The reason of bad academic result in 2014 in Lushoto District and what should be done?”.